heiiii!actually i'm not in the mood to write anything but i know you guys miss me(huek-_-)so i'll write for you.today is just another boring day at home hhhhh i don't go anywhere though!
tomorrow i'm going to register to my(insyallah)new school hihi wish me luck.
today my plan is gong to PIM with my mom and sist because there's a sale stuff like that and then again my mom cancelled because of her work-_- hhhh maybe next time right mom?okey enough about that you don't want to know neither kan?
i don't watch transformers yet because lazy to queue and just wait until people 'more calm' haha.but,honestly i want watch it by noooooow uh oh and two word i always repeat in my heart BE PATIENT dys.some people said in patient there's a limit too,yeah i completly believe in that.
and if you don't know yet Gossip Girl season 3 is start shooting now!i'm hardly can't wait until 14th september(premiere)hihi i'll post some beautifull pict of them later yaaaa
Senin, 29 Juni 2009
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 21.04 0 komentar
Minggu, 28 Juni 2009
HB Ed!
hey, yes yesterday is our beloved Edward Gregory Westwick(ed westwick)who plays Chuck Bass on Gossip Girl Birthday!I'm so sorry for lateness.he is turning 22nd on June 27th 2009
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 05.15 0 komentar
Another Survey
Hei! I just blogwalking and found this survey yihihi.and i'll answers it so another surveys for today i'm sorry if you're bored but i just like it, so if you have one just link to me ya i'll appreciative that hihi.here is the survey:
What are you wearing today?
-t-shirts and shorts
What’s for dinner today?
-i don't know yet
-it's not that special
-drive andi already did so now is on progress
What’s the last thing you bought?
-i'm totally forget
what are you listening to right now?
-television voice
What is your favorite weather?
-sunny but not too hot
What is your most challenging goal right now?
-get in to SMAN 34
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
-mmm NY or France or Italy
What would you like to have in your hands right now?
- whooper
What would you like to get rid of?
-my lil' annoy brother
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Which language do you want to learn?
-France and Germany
What do you look for in a friend?
Who do you want to meet in person?
-Chuck Bass
What’s your favorite type of music?
-any type
What’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?
-tees from zara,black skinny from mango,shorts
What is your dream job?
-successful magazine editor
Any favorite models?
-Irina lazareanu,Daisy lowe
Do you admire anyone's style?
-yes,Alexa Chung,Kristen Stewart,Blair Waldorf
Describe your personal style?
Favorite designer?
-Karl lagerfeld,Alexande wang,Marc jacobs
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 04.45 0 komentar
hei! ijust copy it from asty and youknow i just like to answers the survey like thissssss
11th Jan,lebaran,anydate which is holiday,friendsandfamily birthday
googling,drink gree tea,sit,talk to sist
laugh,hang out with friends,money,funfunfun
BB 8320,bracets,Mac Book,Ipodtouch 16 gb
hang outwithfriends,laugh,watching movies,browsing
water,everything with ice in it or blend with it
handphone,wallet,headset,body shop lipgloss,perfume ups there's 5
family,friends,my self(hmm),you maybe?
i prefer hollywood
unusual?i don't get it
my birthday,family&bestfriends bithdays,friends birthday,holiday date
playing with neighbor,runrun(lari-lari),playing with water-_-,crying
whoever wants
Bored,Ilike to answers survey like this,I don't know wht to do anymore,Hungry(?)
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 03.57 0 komentar
Sabtu, 27 Juni 2009
Report Card
Hei!today is my report day!yihiiiiiii.pagi pagi udah mandi soalnya mau ikut ke sekolah pas bagi raport(tumben)soalnya ada PENSI gidudeh di sekolah akhirnya gak nonton juga si abisnya gak ada yang jemput nanti kan bokap gak nonton tapi emang gw agak males soalnya kan capek haha apasi ya.
Back to the title how was your report card Dys?ummm Good yeah Fine lah.
fyi i've got rank 7 from 38 students in my class.itu naik loh smt.1 peringkat8 mihihi.And my math scores are 9 wow ya i don't even now i'm good in math haha.not important lah ya whatewver.uhhhh i want watch Transformers so badly why is so hard to get the tickets?huuuuuhhhh maybe because it's holiday season ya.
And my mom is on Bogor now huhu padahal belom nunjukin nilai raport dia udah berangkat
(saoalnya nyokap ambil raport adek gw bokap ambil punya gw).and i miss herrrrrrrrr because when we went to CG she wasn't came because of working stuff whatewver huhu.But tommorow she's already back soooo yippie i hope tommorow i can watch Transformer hhhhh AMIN!
happy weekend everyone!have fun guysmooch
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 00.53 0 komentar
I copy it from Avi hihi.i am boring now soooo i'll let you now my answers:
►Tall: maybe
►In your pajamas:no
►Left handed:no
LAST (give 2 answers)
►Friend you saw: Defit&Farah
►Talked to on the phone:Dad&Harum
►Person to text you:Harum&Wina
►Is today better than yesterday?:I hope so
FAVORITE (give 2 answers)
►Number: 11&1
►Color:Red and Grey
►Food: Pasta and Fro-yo
►Place: home and mall
Q: What was the first thing you did
this morning when you got up?
► slept again-_-
Q: Do you have anything bothering you
► yes
Q: What's the last movie you watched
in theaters?
►Ketika Cinta Bertasbih
Q: Where is the last place you went?
► School
Q. Do you smile a lot?
► yes :)
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
► rarely
Q: Are you a friendly person?
► ehem i think so
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
► My bed room
Q: Why did you sleep there?
►Because it's My Bedroom you fool!
Q: When was the last time you cried?
Q: What was your last thought before going to bed?
►Nice Dreams
Q: Rate life as of right now, one
being bad, ten being great?
Q: What do you hear right now?
► Music?
Q: Does anything hurt you right now?
► no
Q: What's your favorite month?
Are you missing someone right now?
Are you single?
Are you tired?
► emm no
Are your parents still married?
►none of your bussiness
► Real name?Gladys Amelita
► Nick Name:Gladys/Adys
► Age? 14
► Eye color? Dark Brown
► Male or female? F
► Single? yea
► crushing?eh he
► Smart?hmm yes
► Hair color? Black
► Sweats or Jeans?Jeans
► Phone or Camera?Phone
► Health freak? no
► Righty or lefty? Righty
►First best friend? Dhira i think(cie)
►First award? forget
►First enemy? i forgive all my enemiesnow they're be frieds to me
►First pet? Fish
►First vacation?Surabaya
► Eating? Home made
► Drinking? water?
► Listening to?I do not hook up-Kelly Clarkson
► Plans for tommorow?Don't know yet
►Waiting for? a lot
►Lips or eyes?eyes
►Shorter or taller?taller
►Romantic or spontaneous? romantic
►Sensitive or loud? loud
►Hook-up or in a relationship?in a relationship
►Drank hard drinks? nope
►Lost glasses/contacts?yes
►Ran away from home? yes
►Broken someone's heart? hmmmm
►Been arrested? nope
►Do you like someone? yes
►Are you seriously happy with
where you are in life? ye i really am
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 00.08 0 komentar
Jumat, 26 Juni 2009
halohalo!long time no post hmmm.Kenapa judulnya CG?CG ituuu Citra Grand perumahan di Cibubur itu loh... tau ga?tau kan?pasti nah di CG itu my grandma&grandpa's house.Jadi gw di CG 3hari 2 malem hmmmm i'll tell you about my activities in there
if you want to know read it and if not don't bother to read here we go guysssss:
Days 1 Wenesday,23rd June 2009:
Driving Lesson!belajar nyetir lagi kan ada beberapa blok yang sepi gitu jadi belajar lagi deh,udah lumyan bisa loh mihihi asik asik.
Days 2 Thursday,24th June 2009:
Pagi-Pagi bokap nganterin gw dari CG sampai sekolah bayangkan jauhnya then the best thing issss gak ada yang penting di sekolah terus gw nyampe acaranya udah bubar-__- sabar Dys.Pertamanya mau nonton Transformer tapi abis tiketnya hhhhhhh terus kan lagi telfon ke 21 mbak-mbaknya galak banget-_-yaudahlah tidak diberkahi itu mbak(?).
terus jadinya nonton KCB Ketika Cinta Bertasbih itu tau kan?masa gak tau?hmm cari tau lah ya terus kan gw nonton ber 5 gw,adek gw yang cowo,adek gw yang cewe
(fyi:gw 3 bersaudara),nenek gw,sama bokap kan nah karena nontonnya jam 9 lewatan gitu jadi adek gw yang cowo ketiduran-__- haha tapi emang filmnya kaliya bosenin gitu.yaudah kan selesai jam setengah 12an eh pintu mallnya yang namanya Cibubur Junction itu udah pada ditutup gidu deh jadi keluarnya lewat emergency exit door-_-terus mobil yang di parkir tinggl mobil gw doang gitu ih serem ya untung rame ber5 jadi inget Drag Me To Hell adegan yang ada nenek2nya meneror dimobil tau gak?gak makanya nonton dong!sampe CG tidur
Days 3 Friday,25th June 2009:
Driving Lesson Part2 udah bisa ganti gigi dari 1ke 2 okey lumayan lah ya hihi.Mau nonton transformer abis lagi tiketnya-__- jadinya ya jalan gitu aja di Cibubur Junction with my cousins lalala terus ada yang jual fro-yo(kayak heavenly blush or sour sally)namanya twistberry nyoba2 gitu kan nggak enak ternyata haha teksturnya kasar hhhh nyesel kan tuh mendingan jcool deh tapi emang non sugar sih yaudah then go home
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 22.50 0 komentar
Selasa, 23 Juni 2009
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 21.09 0 komentar
Hey! i'll update you abot my activities.Today i went to PIM with Astrid and Asty my sist
(at the first time we want to go to Citos but we change our mind haha).We watched Drag Me to Hell which is fucking scary i closed my eyes a couple times mmm not a couple alot of time-___- ok maybe lebay,and we watched Star Trek omg i love Chris Pine!hihi i'll post photos of them tommorow ya.
(photos from star trek ya not from drag me to hell because i believe you won't see it) because i'm too tired and sleepy now(tommorow if i'm not lazy-_-).
We ate lunch at Sushi Tei and bought Heavenly Blush ummm ilike ittttt because there's no guilty after eat that because i ordered sugar free hihi even the sugar free is more expensive 2000rp but it's worth it.We bought two nachos with extra cheese for three of us when we watched Star Trek yumm.At half past seven we went home. And now i'm in front of my comp. update my blog so you know what i was doing today(if u want to now)
tommorow i'll go to my grandma&grandpa's home early in the morning so i'll better go sleep though! good night friendssssssssssss (i hope i don't have a bad dreams after watched drag me to hell haha)
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 07.11 0 komentar
Senin, 22 Juni 2009
Hotel for Dog
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 00.06 0 komentar
Minggu, 21 Juni 2009
Heya!i'm back again haha sorry for weirdness ok so lets see what i did on sunday&monday here we gooooo.....-__-
My mom asked for lunch out so we decided to ate pizza hut at Pondok Indah.After we ate we went to point square for bought a couple dvd (because it's holiday and i stayed the hell at home)
and there are the dvds:
-2012 Doomsday
which is i don't understand and it's like about the end of the day and some christiant issues
-Confession Of Shopaholic
which is funny and i recomended it for your holiday movies actually i watched this in theater but i just like it sooo i bought it and i just finish saw it(again) hihi
-Hotel For Dog
which is fun and entertaining too this staring Emma Roberts and Jonny Simmons who is soooooooo cute i'll show you the picture of them later
-Legally Blonde 3
i'm not watch it yet review later
-Drag me to hell
i'm not watch it yet because i'm too scare(and actually i don't know why i bought this movie if i scare-___-)but if i watch it later i'll review for you
went to school,talk and chit chat with friendsss,go home,watch dvd,and update blog
okey that's it sounds boring?i hope not
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 23.35 0 komentar
Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009
Hey blog! first, i wanna say i'm so sorry if you uncomfortable read my blog because i mixing the language(bahasa and english).
Because it's still depend on my mood guys when i want to write in english or indonesia.
It's the best i can do while i am thinking what language i want to use in my blog but for uncertain time i'm sorry if i have to mixing the language you know i don't feel really comfortable too.
but thanks for your time to read my blog(if is there who want)
second,i little bit dissapointed with my UN score because i'm not sure if there score is goood enough for mydream highschool(alah dream).just pray for my luck ya guys thankssssssssssmooch
but i'm happy i'mgraduate and my parents proud of me
happy weekend everybody!have a goood one
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 18.20 0 komentar
hey!wow gw LULUS loh hihi asikasik.jadi pagi pagi udah bangun deg-degan tuh antara ke sekoah apa enggak akhirnya enggak-__-.Terus Ayu ngirim2 sms sesat lulus 100% pertamanya gak percaya ya udahlah berdoa aja.
Eh eh jam 12an Ayu nelfon NEMnya udah bisa diliat gitu jadi telfon deh ke sekolah dan NEM gw adalaaaaaaaaaah 34,70(well,not too bad right?) and i was like scream because too happy hmm agak norak.terus nelfonin MyMom(she's not home since yesterday:C),Tyas,Harum,Farah,Mila terus banyak sampe lupa terus smsin orangorang banyak juga oke sampe beli pulsa lagi padahal kemaren baru beli-__- karna senangloh bukan pamer lulus.Terus ya gitu kebahagian masih meluap luap sampai sekarang
(too much)mihihihihi
p.s:i'm still too happy so i'm sorry if this isn't important to you but it's for me!!!!see you guys in another posts smooch
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 00.18 0 komentar
Minggu, 14 Juni 2009
Pelepasan siswa SMPN 161 Jakarta 2009
hai!judulnya oke kaaaaaaaaaaaan?lengkap.jadi ini nih cerita tentang pelepasan sekolah gw jadicaranya mulai jam 3 males banget dateng tapi ada film dokumenter2 gitu kata mila terus katanya ada aib2 gitu karena penasaran yaudah ksekolah tuh gw berangkat jam 2an terus agak telat sih nyampenya ketemu harum di depan gerbang.taunya pas filmnya gak ada aibnya gw adanya aibnya mila-__- nyeh mil bilang aja itu aib lu bukan gw wkwkwk peace ya.terus abis itu games games gak penting nyapein abis hhhhhh dan dengan lapernya belom makan siang okey kan?terus abisgitu uapacara-___- salam2an ama guru baru dikasih makan hokben yaudah kan disuruhnya pulang jam 8 tapi nyokap gw nanya sama panitia katanya gak ada yang penting cuman band doang "bandnya aja gak terkenal alah gak penting udah pulang aja mau ke PIM dulu"kata nyokap gw loh itu aduh ma
yaudah ikut nyokap gw deh tuh kan males juga gw soalnya berlama lama disitu.terus ke PIM dulu deh bentar ke body shop tuh eh ketemu nadia and aldi cie uh i miss you naaaaaad terus ke gramed beli j.co dan pulang
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 21.32 0 komentar
Kamis, 11 Juni 2009
hell-o!my speaker in my home just broke uh oh yesterday my computer and now my computer is fine but my speaker is not working what the hell?now i want youtubing but it just can't! relax ya dys it's ok. what can i do again?sigh and the worst is i forget my msn pass haha but i know what my class wearing on graduation because i go to school today and ok it was ok i miss school actually and i'm lazy to update my facebook reply your wall or/and accept friend request
(but i'll do it soon).
and today my eyang Ake is coming with her family from spain for holiday i sure welcome!!!there's nothing happen again today so bye bitches
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 00.56 0 komentar
Selasa, 09 Juni 2009
halo!another post okey karena kesel pake bahasa Indonesia aja ya?biar gampang haha jadi post yang dibawah kenapa di bold-in gak nyante gitu?karena?itu tuh tadi abis nulis tiba2 tulisannya tuh jadi yang atas gede yang tengah normal yang bawah kecil banget jadi makin kecil makin kecil gitu aaaaaaaah and i edited a lot a million time and it doesn't work like normal! shit ya?hhhhhhhh sabar dys sabar padahal lagi niat nulis tadi pake english lagi haha gaya ya?ah udah ah bt bad mood jadinya okey sori jadi heboh-___-bye bitches!
there's no love for this post
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 23.38 0 komentar
Internet Connection
hai!sorry for late update ya because one of my computer at home was broke until now,it's the main computer so, if the main computer broke we can't use another one.actually it was my computer and the connection is just fine.and why i use that tittle?because i just want to (ha ha ha).there's a lot happened these days but it was unimportant and i believe you just won't to know.do you really want to know?okay O M G i'm so boredddddddd at home like hell doing nothing and gaining weight(because i ate a lot and not doing any excersise) uh oh, still learn how to drive(well) and still lazy approving friends request on facebook(sorry guys) i'm a lazy girl yes i know.and idon't know what my class wear on graduation oh well too bad i know(so please everyone on my class who read this tell me ya)i asked my friends on my class but everyone i asked didn't know hahaha
(fyi my graduation is on saturday june 13)
and i am soooooo worry about my score my UN score yaALLAH give me the best amin.okey it's already a long post kan?it's not? whatthellever bye bitches!
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 23.30 0 komentar
Sabtu, 06 Juni 2009
hai!i just wanna share about my activities on saturday
i watched mamma mia the movie with my sister quite fun movie thanks to Dira PLUS
after watched then i slept and woke up at 6-__- long nap i know
my father asked to go out for dinner and we went to PIM to ate at bakmi GM than we go to gramedia and last buy j.cool and at 10 go home in car iwas too sleppy and satisfied but i couldn't sleep why?i don't know.at home i slept-__-(finnaly).okey happy weekend everybody!
(sorry a bit late).bye bitches!
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 18.46 0 komentar
Kamis, 04 Juni 2009
driving lesson
halo!kemaren gw belajar nyetir loh sama bokap terus gimana?bisa?bisa dong baru dikit tapi-____-ya tau lah yang mana yang kopling,rem,gas,terus bisa maju mundur bentar lagi juga bisa tuh yakin gw haha.one of my holiday resolution is i can drive.jadi belajr tuh seminggu 2 kali baru sekali gitu sih tapi harus yakin dong ya.kan kemaren belajarnya mobil manual padahal kata bokap gampangan matic yaiyalah gak ada kopling,tapi yang bisa mobil manual udah pasti bisa matic nah yang bisamatic belom tentu bisa manual gitu.ngerti gak?ngerti lah yakan?terus masa adek gw lebih bisa daripada gw dah-___-tenang bentar lagi gw salip(bahasanya salip)haha gak bercanda kita selon aja yega?apa lagi ya?hari ini pengen banget burger king gitu deh gatau kenapa.bye bitches!
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 22.02 0 komentar
Selasa, 02 Juni 2009
Facebook Lazy
halo!lagi males confirm request facebook nih maaf ya kawan nanti pasti di confirm kok,hehe.pada lagi ngapain?kalo gw lagi males(ada yang nanya?).harusnya kan hari ini masuk tapi gw gak gitu males-__- abis harum pagi-pagi sms gw jam 6an gitu katanya dia gak masuk yaudah heboh tuh gw telfonin ayu,sama tyas(maaf ya yas jadi kebangun lu wkwkwkw)akhir2nya gak masuk juga gw abis kata tyas gak ngapa2in gitu huuuuuuh-__-nanti masuk koko tanggal 11,12,13 Juni terakhir2 gitu terus tanggal 20 Juni pengumuman deh deg degan gak sih?lebai ah.ya gitu lagi males leyzi leyzi facebook gitu aaaah gak penting?maaf ya
bye bitches!
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 20.58 0 komentar
Senin, 01 Juni 2009
something i wanna share
this's video from kristen stewart it's so hillarious and funny i can show you better than i can tell you
and than this is another one
twilight rocks MTV movie award 2009.i hope i can watch it by now uh oh
bye bitches!
Diposting oleh AdysGladys di 04.43 0 komentar